Can Rabbits Eat Peas? (All You Need To Know)

A rabbit’s staple diet should consist of only 85% hay, 5% pellets, and 10% leafy greens or veggies. But, some veggies suitable for humans may not be safe for rabbits to consume. So, the question is can rabbits eat peas? Is it safe to feed peas to rabbits? Can rabbits eat peapods and leaves? Let’s, find out all the answers in this article.

Rabbits can eat fresh peas as it is healthy and contains beneficial nutrients. However, feeding peas frequently or in excess amounts could cause serious health issues like GI stasis due to high sugar. So, consider providing two tablespoons of raw peas with other mixed veggies once or twice a week.

This article will briefly discuss peas’ health benefits and drawbacks, whether rabbits can eat dried, frozen, or cooked peas, can baby rabbits eat peas, how often I should feed them, and many more. So, let’s get into it.

Can I feed peas to my rabbit?

You can feed peas to your rabbit as it is safe if fed in small amounts as an occasional treat.

In addition, serving peas in excess amounts could cause severe health issues like gastrointestinal stasis, a life-threatening condition for rabbits.

Gastrointestinal is a severe condition in which the gut system of a rabbit slows down or even stops, which is fatal for them and causes sudden death.

So, it is essential to provide fresh and green peas to your rabbit in moderation to avoid health issues, as dried peas cause internal blockages.

Also, peas contain a large amount of sugar and starch content, which is harmful to rabbits’ digestive system as it affects their cecum pH and throws it unbalanced if fed too much.

Therefore, rabbits should only have green peas as special treats on occasion. In addition, limit the amount of these legumes you give them.

A rabbit’s staple diet should always contain an unlimited supply of hay like timothy, oats, or alfalfa. 

Their diet should include 85% hay, 5% pellets, and 10% leafy greens and veggies as occasional treats.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Beetroot?

What are the health benefits of peas?

Peas contain additional fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which are nutritional and healthy for rabbits.

In addition, they include a variety of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugars, proteins, vitamins A, vitamin K, and vitamin C, thiamine, manganese, iron, phosphorus, and polyphenol antioxidants.

However, never ignore variety, and make sure your rabbit isn’t solely dependent on peas for daily nourishment.

Remember that if peas are given too much at once, they may become unhealthy for your rabbit. 

They also contain acids, calcium, sugar, phosphorus, and other nutrients that some rabbits may find unhealthy.

Peas are generally suitable for your rabbit’s health when fed adequately in small quantities.

So, here are some nutritional values of 100g peas:

Nutritional ValuesAmounts
Fibre 5.7 g
Calcium 25 mg
Protein 5.42 g
Fat 0.4 g
Potassium 244 mg
Phosphorus 108 mg
Magnesium 33 mg
Carbohydrates 14.4 g
Zinc 1.24 mg
Iron 1.5 mg
Energy 81 kcal
Vitamin A 765 IU
Vitamin-K 24.8mcg
Vitamin C 40 mg
Vitamin E 0.13 mg
Vitamin B complex 2.76 mg
Water 78.9 g
The above table shows the nutritional values of 100g peas.


Peas contain a good amount of fiber which is beneficial for a rabbit’s diet as it helps to keep the digestive system of a rabbit functioning properly.

They require a diet rich in fiber to wear down their rapidly growing teeth, maintain the health of their stomachs, and keep them from being picky eaters.


Peas have less fat, which is advantageous because rabbits do well on a low-fat diet.

In addition, fat does not need to be added to the diet for rabbits. Fat can make food palatable, but too much of it can raise the risk of obesity, aortic atherosclerosis, and hepatic lipidosis in rabbits.


The potassium that rabbits require daily can be partially sourced from peas.

In addition, potassium may aid in lowering blood pressure and fluid retention, preventing stroke, and preventing osteoporosis or kidney stones.


Peas also contain protein, an essential element in a rabbit’s diet.

In addition, it strengthens, reduces blood pressure, and speeds up the metabolism of your rabbit.


Peas give rabbits a large amount of magnesium, which is also beneficial for their health.

In addition, it contributes significantly to your pet’s body and brain health in several ways.

Rich in Vitamin A, K,C:

Peas are a good source of the vitamin A that rabbits require in their diet.

Rabbits’ bodies require vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin also known as retinol, to maintain good health, which is crucial for their immune system and skin.

Rich antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and K protect the cells in your rabbit’s body.

These vitamins are crucial for keeping your rabbit’s gums healthy and improving wound healing.


Peas are a good source of antioxidants and are nutrient-dense.

Antioxidants, which eliminate free radicals, prevent illnesses like diabetes and heart disease in rabbits.

Additionally, antioxidants assist in delaying the aging process in your rabbit. 

A good level of antioxidants in their body will ensure that your rabbit has a healthy life span.


Rabbits require protein to be energic and for their healthy body growth. If your rabbit’s food is deficient in nutrients, it might not reach its maximum potential.

Additionally, proteins help your pet rabbit’s muscles develop, prevent sickness, and maintain healthy, shiny hair.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Carrots?

Is it safe to feed peas to my rabbit?

Feeding peas to your rabbit in small amounts is considered safe and healthy as an occasional treat.

However, serving too many peas frequently could cause severe health issues like GI stasis due to the high amount of sugar and starch in peas.

Although peas contain some beneficial nutrients, they could also harm rabbits’ health and even causes life-threatening issues if fed in excess.

So, here are some things to concern while feeding peas to your rabbit:

  • Low fiber content: rabbits require a high amount of fiber in their diet, but peas don’t contain enough fiber. In addition, it could develop the risk of gastrointestinal stasis condition, obesity, or upset stomach due to low fiber. 
  • High sugar and starch: Rabbits have a sensitive digestive system, and too much sugar and starch could upset their gut system. In addition, peas contain high sugar and starch content which could cause gas, or even GI stasis, which is a very painful condition. 
  • High carbohydrate: Rabbits require a diet that contains few carbohydrates. In contrast, peas contain relatively high carbohydrates (sugar). Too much sugar can seriously damage a rabbit’s sensitive digestive tract by promoting the growth of harmful bacteria and uncomfortable gases that lead to GI stasis.
  • Calcium: Because they are prone to getting painful kidney stones, rabbits need a diet low in calcium. Peas are OK because they contain less calcium than Timothy hay, which is the majority of their diet. But, providing peas in large quantities or along with timothy hay could be a cause for concern.
  • Vitamin C: It is unnecessary for rabbits as their bodies can make it independently. They won’t be harmed by the vitamin C in peas, but they also will receive no benefit.

So, from the above factors, the conclusion is that peas should be served in small amounts to rabbits in moderation to avoid health issues.

Avoid feeding peas in large amounts or frequently as it could lead to severe health issues like loose stools or GI stasis which is a painful, life-threatening condition.

Also read: Can Rabbit Eat Radish?

Can rabbits eat peas’ leaves and pods?

Rabbits can eat peapods and leaves without the seeds in moderation, along with other mixed vegetables.

Peapods and their leaves contain more protein and calcium, which benefit rabbit growth.

Peapods and leaves are considered leafy greens, and you can provide them with other leafy greens like romaine lettuce, alfalfa hay, or celery.

However, do not replace or change the regular staple diet of hay with peapods or its leaves.

Also, you should limit the serving of peapods or their leaves for adult rabbits due to their high calcium and protein content.

In addition, too much protein and calcium could cause bladder stones or kidney infections.

So, it is essential to provide it in small quantities with other mixed vegetables in moderation.

A rabbit diet should include at least 5 to 6 kinds of leafy greens for a two-pound body-weight rabbit.

Since you need to provide them with various vegetables, prepare this legume once or twice a week.

Also, before providing leafy greens like peapods or their leaves to your rabbit, wash it thoroughly with water to remove all the dirt and chemicals like pesticides that could harm the rabbit’s health.

Also read: How To Introduce Vegetables To Rabbits?

Can rabbits eat dried or cooked peas?

Avoid serving dried and cooked peas to your rabbits as it is unsafe and could cause health issues.

Providing dried peas to your rabbit could cause hazardous conditions like choking, blocking their intestines, and risk of GI stasis.

Also, do not provide cooked peas as they could become too starchy, making them sick quickly.

So, feed your rabbit only fresh, raw food, such as peas, as an occasional treat. Food that has been cooked or dried is hazardous for your rabbit.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Broccoli?

Can Rabbits eat frozen peas?

Avoid feeding frozen peas to your rabbit as it is unhealthy for them.

Peas that have been frozen also lose a significant amount of their nutritious value.

Frozen peas will be considerably more challenging for a rabbit’s gut system to digest than fresh peas because the cold pea will take significantly more time. 

It is advisable to keep your rabbit’s peas unfrozen and on a regular schedule if you plan to feed it peas. 

In addition to offering no added benefit, frozen peas are far more challenging for rabbits. Instead, regular peas have far more health advantages.

Can I feed sugar snap peas and snow peas?

You can give your rabbit a variety of different types of peas. 

It would be best if you serve the sugar snap peas and snow peas as they are healthy and safe for rabbits.

Green peas are another option you could try, but they should only be used as a transitional food for the first few days of the infant’s existence.

In addition, always serve peas to rabbit in small amounts as occasional treats.

Also read: How Much Food Should I Feed My Rabbit?

Can I feed peas to baby rabbits?

Avoid feeding peas to small rabbits until they become three months old.

Small rabbits have a very sensitive gastrointestinal system, and veggies like peas, high in sugar and starch, are not suitable for their gut bacteria flora to digest any veggie like peas.

Also, after three months old, you should concentrate their diet only on hay and pellets and later can introduce any veggies in tiny amounts to see whether their gut system can digest them.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Plum?

How often can I feed peas to my rabbit?

Peas can be safely consumed in moderation by rabbits. An adult rabbit’s suitable serving size is roughly two tablespoons of peas once or twice a week. 

However, pea consumption in excess might cause severe digestive issues like GI stasis in rabbits. 

Also, slowly introduce freshly washed peas or any new food to your rabbit’s diet.

In addition, it is essential to introduce a new food to your rabbit in small quantities so their gut bacterial flora can accept it.

After that, observe your rabbit for 24 hours after giving peas to see any sudden behavioral changes like loss in appetite, loose stools, or bowel movement.

If this happens, you should stop feeding peas, provide only hay or water for the rest of a few days, and reintroduce it in a small amount and reintroduce it next week.

However, if you notice any adverse effects after feeding peas to your rabbit, stop feeding peas and consult the nearby vet.

In addition, if your rabbit’s gut system starts digesting peas, you could introduce it once or twice a week with other leafy greens or veggies.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Apple?


  1. You can feed peas to your rabbit as it is safe if fed in small amounts as an occasional treat.
  2. Serving peas in excess amounts could cause severe health issues like gastrointestinal stasis, a life-threatening condition for rabbits.
  3. It would be best if you serve the sugar snap peas and snow peas as they are healthy and safe for rabbits.
  4. Rabbits can eat peapods and leaves without the seeds in moderation, along with other mixed vegetables.
  5. Avoid serving dried and cooked peas to your rabbits as it is unsafe and could cause health issues.

Reference: NCBI

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